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Privacy policy

At Ballet Business we are committed to protecting your privacy. Ballet Business will only use the information that is collected about you in accordance with the Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018.

Ballet Business may wish to collect information about you for 2 reasons: firstly, to follow-up website enquiries and secondly, to provide you with the best possible service. You will be given the opportunity to refuse any marketing material offered by Ballet Business.

The type of information that we may possibly collect about you includes but is not limited to:

  • Your Name

  • Address

  • Contact Number

  • Email Address


We will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent, all of the information that we may receive about you can only be conveyed to us by you. The information we hold will be accurate and up to date. You can check the information that we hold about you by emailing us. If you find any inaccuracies we will be more than happy delete or correct them promptly.
The personal information which we hold will be held securely in accordance with our internal security policy and the law. We may use technology to track the patterns of behaviour of visitors to our site. This can include the use of "cookies" that are stored within your web browser. The information collected in this way can be used to identify you unless you modify your browser settings.


If you have any questions about privacy please contact Ballet Business.



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