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Boys in ballet up North

More boys are getting into dance than ever before, especially ballet as it becomes mainstream and fashionable aided by dancers like Sergei Polunin and Roberto Bolle. At any open ballet class in London over a quarter of the dancers are male—but what’s happening for boys in ballet up North?


Yorkshire based ballet teacher and Royal Academy of Dance examiner Christos Chandroulidis (35) told me: “Out of 200 students in Harrogate and 120 in Leeds I’ve got two boys.” This is shocking to hear, thinking a male ballet teacher would encourage more boys to join. “No” replied Christos, “The other dance schools that do ballroom and things like that have male dancers, but not ballet schools. Everybody loves Strictly, that’s why,” he smiled jokingly before straightening up his spine - dancer style… “In the professional classes I take as a dancer at Phoenix dance, Northern contemporary dance school, Northern ballet and Yorkshire dance there are a lot of boys now; more than I thought there would be, sometimes we are half and half.” 



Christos Chandroulidis


Lincoln Cathedral




“Out of 200 students in Harrogate and 120 in Leeds I’ve got two boys.”

Christos Chandroulidis
“Ballet is therapy. It’s a way of life.”

At least professional male ballet dancers living in the North of England are using all available opportunities to train and take class. What must be done to get the younger boys into ballet? “Well, that has to be encouraged from home definitely,” Christos replied without hesitation. “When families of boys with a desire to dance ballet realise the discipline and athleticism required for success they have to give that encouragement and support.”


Determined to dance and with all the support he needed from home Christos made a career in the world of ballet. But it’s not just for those that want a career in ballet; it helps with co ordination, spatial awareness, flexibility, balance and strength, communication, self awareness and builds confidence, all skills taken into adulthood and used throughout life in every profession. “Ballet is therapy”, Christos says, “I get to the barre and do the exercises and I feel great. It’s a way of life. If I would have another job, I would still definitely do ballet class.” 










Ballet schools throughout Lincolnshire and Yorkshire are reaching out to primary schools and communities to help more boys learn about the benefits of ballet and inform parents of the classes available. If you want to get involved take the first step and discover more.



“If I would have another job, I would still definitely do ballet class.” 

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